Information Governance

GCorp Consulting’s motto is “Governing technology with intelligence”.
Our strategy of aligning financial management, services and assets, portfolio management, and administration allow us to generate policies to enhance operations, protect intellectual capital, and enforce process.
Let our team help your organization create policies that contribute to business activities, empower staff members, assign responsibility, and establish authority.
Many of our clients had policies that were outdated, inefficient, or worse, inapplicable. GCorp helped them to review and analyze those aspects of existing policies that applied, identified policies that frequently change, and create intermediate and long-term policies that supported the organization’s business model.
More importantly, by reviewing and creating effective policies, stakeholders were able to maintain situational awareness on key areas and mitigate threats to the enterprise through policy and governance. The development and dissemination of alerts, bulletins and advisories, reports, establishment of enterprise threat portfolios, conditions, and the execution of threat briefs are just one of many examples. The news is full of security breaches and compromise. Those organizations would have benefited from a governance strategy to deal with the event and more importantly could have prevented it from occurring.